Basic Rules

  1. Players begin with a base of 2 Health Points (HP) and can gain more through adding armour to your body.

  2. A hit to the chest or back will take 3 HP.

  3. A hit to the arms or legs will take 1 HP.

  4. A healer can restore a dead players full HP by performing a 30 second ritual of healing if you are dead by using an approved item (spellbook, healing staff, surgeons kit, etc.) and acting out using the item such as chanting a spell or bandaging a limb. A living players HP can be restored to 3 with a 10 second ritual, or return to full HP with a 20 second ritual.

    NOTE: if you are dead, you cannot talk or move unless you are removing yourself from the field of play.

  5. Head and groin hits/shots are forbidden.

  6. Hits to the hands and feet are not to be counted.

  7. When you have run out of HP you are “dead” and need to either kneel down (if you’re able) and place your weapon above your head to await healing OR remove yourself from the field for the rest of the round (don’t worry, we have up to 8 rounds per night).

  8. The most important words to remember on the field are CHECK and OW (this means your opponent is hurt or you have been hit too hard). A CHECK halts all combat in the case of injury or safety concerns, e.g. a child running onto the field. If you are hurt during a round that may require assistance please yell CHECK. If you hear check, kneel down (if you’re able) and place your weapon above your head. This ensures only the players who need to be checked on are standing and visible.

  9. The marshals (umpires) word is law; they are the final word on any and all decisions regarding game play, player status, etc.

The complete rulebook is available here


Player Code of Conduct

  1. Play by the rules of the weekly battle game and of Stormglow

  2. Follow and comply with all reasonable orders given by marshals and/or organisers

  3. Treat all players and equipment with respect and respect player boundaries

  4. Do not act in a way that is dangerous to yourself or others

  5. Do not be intentionally threatening or destructive when out of character

  6. Report any unsafe, threatening or bullying behaviour

  7. Play fair, safe and with honour

  8. Do not act with real aggression or excessive force that could intentionally or unintentionally cause real harm to yourself or others

  9. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated

  10. Report anything that you believe may be unsafe

The complete code of conduct can be found here

Photo by Cassandra Beveridge

Photo by Cassandra Beveridge

Your Player Responsibilities

  1. I will fight with honour and count my own hits honestly

  2. I will be humble in victory and gracious in defeat

  3. I will be honest, safe and fair

  4. I will be patient when adjustments are required

  5. I will respect that the officials and organisers are volunteers

  6. I will have my equipment checked when requested and/or when I procure new items

  7. I will ensure my hits are calibrated prior to play

  8. I will not engage in fisticuffs or combat that is not LARP safe

  9. I will not bully, harass, or otherwise make others feel uncomfortable for any reason and I will report those who do

  10. I will train to improve my technique

  11. I will have fun