Your Managing Directors


Peter Walle

Better known as Skavyn Bloodrage, Skavyn Kegtapper, Skavyn Skavynson, Skavyn Ironskull and the Portmaster. Peter is the Chieftain of the Flayed Wolves and is the master at arms of Stormglow. Peter has had 20+ years experience in swordplay and will enthusiastically teach anyone which end of the sword to hold.


Justine Walle

Secretary extraordinaire, Justine runs the in game apothecary The Whispering Eye as Skadi Raveneye Priestess of the Flayed Wolves. When shes not organising quests or healing people, she can be found playing her other character Lacivia owner of Shemoota the shisha lounge. She is the backbone of the group and always has a health potion ready for a player in need.

Kristopher Ordish

Or as everyone calls him Picklez the rotting hand, or as he likes to call himself the scourge of the living. Picklez is the leader of the Ushabti the eternal guard of the Fallen Shadows Warband, he is also the head of the equipment desk, has a hand in making the rules and sheriffing. Picklez loves to fight and has the record for the most people killed in one weekend camping event and the record for most heals in one battle night. He may not talk much but don’t be afraid to ask him about these records as he loves to brag about them.

Trevor Osborne

Aka Grogg, His Magesty Queen Grogg first of his name or Xolox the fire mancer. Whether he is playing Grogg the loveable ogre or Xolox the less than loveable fire mancer for the Fallen Shadows. Trevor is very approachable and will gladly answer any questions you have or point you towards someone who knows the answer. He is head of the mancers desk, involved in sheriffing and is a reluctant monarch. Just beware of Groggs story time, you never know how long it may take.

Nicholas Groth

From his first attendence at Stormglow Battlegame Nick has enthusiastically embraced the LARP lifestyle.

Ever willing to offer useful suggestions to refine the game and willingness to help out both his warband and the game as a whole. Nick is a valuable asset to the team.

Not only is Nick apart of the equipment desk but he is an avid builder and likes to turn these skills to new equipment for the group.

Robert Taylor

Taylor by name, taylor by nature, Rob’s ability to stitch together many ideas and suggestions into useable rules is enviable.

His dedication to promoting the group through various forms of media and elevating our public profile is a tried and tested road to getting new participants for Stormglow Battlegame.